Om ni kommer att beställa Gravsten från oss , så är namn, datum och en design gratis (som ljus, kors, etc) Vi Säljer och monterar gravstenar och gravramar i alla kyrkogårdar i Sverige !

Contact Us  - Lovesten Gravstenar AB , Org Nummer : 559201-1828      Moms Reg Nr. : 559201182801

Prestashop website Changes -

1 , if you want to change catagories or sub catagories pictures size changes , so go to design and than image setting and than put small defaut and catagories changes 250x250 pixel for small and 350x350 for catagory , remember to regenerate thumnuls and than clear chache amd history ..

2, to change best seller and featured product look below photo 

chaange feature product best seller.jpg

3. Do not disable module , prestashop account  , basic etc .. if by mistake you did it , so go to php my admin and go to modules and  there inside you can able any module whle putting number 1 , 0 is for disable ..

4 . if you do not want to show product attributes in the website link , so go to classed and there link.php and put there /* in front of text  anchor there is video also 

5. if you want to change index header text and meta text , so go to seo and change there on index , since store contact change in other pages but not in index 

5 Migration of prestashop from One domain to other domain --

when you want to move prestashop website one domain to other domain , so you have to follow few important steps .. otherwise you will waste your time 

1. Put website on maintainence mode

2. go to seo and put the domain name where you want to migrate it 

3.  after that you clear cache and save it .

4 downloan all website and DB file 

5 . change db file name to new name 

6. upload file to new domain and also make db and upload file there ..

7. go to public_html/app/config/parameters.php and change details

8 . go to php my admin and change there at shop URL

9. go to public_html/var/cache and change there details or genenrate new 

10 . also change in website seo new domain name ..


Click here to View More products ..

this is very annoying  in new template that you cannot show many products and this butting show Click here to View more products .. if you want to change this text so change here 



Change Free Shipping text 

to change Free Shipping text , need to go to translation , Front office - Core theme - - theme - Checkout 

and than search for free text there is Free and free shipping 2 places need to change 
